Never Lose Your Ambition

Your drive, your determination to get things done

Jaelyn W
2 min readOct 7, 2022

Never stop working to make things happen.

Life is going to go on regardless of how you feel. No matter if you spend your time doing nothing or working, time is going to keep going. Time isn’t on our side so it's a must you get ahead of it or use it properly.

Every day is a day to better your situation. They say you only live once, but the truth is you live every day you wake up and only die once. Once you die, the game is over but until then it’s all in your control.

The ball in your hands and the determination to win are all you need to score and bring you championships.

You should have that reason why. Your reason for living.

The desire to get up and still keep going no matter the circumstances. Life can and will get difficult and unpredictable so if you can’t have the muscle to push through then you won’t be able to survive.

Only the strong survive especially when the world turns cold. You must be able to stay warm and be hot enough to tackle anything that may put you out.

Find why to build it up and make it a driving factor to keep going.

Run that race until the day you expire. Be determined and strive for a better life. Make your life and build your character to the best of your ability. Become an ultimate superhero and live your life to the fullest.

You only have a certain amount of time.

Make it count.



Jaelyn W

Lifelong Learner NYC Loving The Life I Live While Building The Life I Want