Digital Detox For Freedom

A digital detox can definitely reset your life.

Jaelyn W
3 min readJun 17, 2022

It can help your life immensely and change for the better. So many people have been glued to their electronics and don’t ever seem to be released from the online world.

We all tend to fall victim to this way of life because it’s become the new norm. Our way of life is all through our phones and the internet.

As time went on, things have changed immensely. People stopped communicating in person less and more online or through the phone.

Social media played a huge part in this development. We all have become addicted to the constant rush of dopamine. The constant source of instant gratification through entertainment at any given moment. It’s a gift and a curse.

Too much of it is a very bad thing, but there are also many advantages to becoming connected and being able to have the resources at your fingertips.

There are pros and cons. But in life, we all must learn how to have self-control and be able to manage balance to better get through the ups and downs. Too much of this digital world doesn’t allow us to become connected offline and in real life.

We no longer connect on an in-person level with a deeper connection. Everything is shallow and just dull. We’ve lost touch withing the real world because we have been spoiled with new technology as days go by.

A digital detox would do wonders and allow our brains to become free for a moment. We can begin to be in touch with reality without constantly stimulating our dopamine readers.

We can become more realistic and in tune with what’s going on. When you reduce your digital use, you’ll be able to connect better.

Feel better and connected to the world in the present moment. You get out your own head and into the moment right in front of you.

No need to feel the urge to compare or share constantly. We need to learn how to embrace everything that happens at the moment and not felt the need to look at everyone else live their lives because won’t be able to fully live ours.

So take a break from the online world. Take a break from the devices and get connected with the reality of the things and people around you.

Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into the never-ending world of dopamine because that’s not healthy and it’s not reality.

We need to relax our brains and learn to turn off our thoughts. Focus on our lives in perfect o full experience the most of our time here.

It makes a drastic difference and you’ll be much happier. Release and a break allow room for freedom.

Don’t be a slave to technology.

Live your life on better terms and be free.



Jaelyn W

Lifelong Learner NYC Loving The Life I Live While Building The Life I Want