Consistency Is The Key To Life

The key to sustaining long-term motivation for personal growth is something called consistency.

Jaelyn W
2 min readJan 2, 2023

It’s a major key and not everyone has access to it.

It’s easier said than done but if you get it, then you’ll be unstoppable.

Think of life as a marathon. You have to keep enduring the obstacles that come your way. Things like fatigue, stress, money problems, bad relationships, and distractions.

Things such as alcohol, drugs, tv, all play to your comfort zone. It’s so easy to get comfortable in life because it’s a better way to ease yourself of stress. In reality, it is a form of escape from real life.

Life can be hard but at the same time, it’s also meant to be well-lived and enjoyed.

To do that, you must realize not everyone is built for greatness. Not everyone has the same situation and that plays a huge part in how they operate.

Sooner or later life will change things for them because of the decisions made. It’s the survival of the fittest. Make your priority the right things in life but also learn life along the way.

The best thing to do is learn from other people’s mistakes. Have tough conversations and listen to wise people.

Hold yourself accountable and keep going. Sooner or later people will fall off the tracks. It’s hard to let motivation keep you going because it comes and goes like feelings.

Many people don’t have discipline because they wait for when they get a surge of motivation. Life won’t always give you the motivation so you must do it regardless of how you feel.

Know that sooner or later, you’ll pass everyone else that started the race of life with you and you’ll be far ahead of them. Only the real survive and make it to the finish line so keep it going.

Stick around people who push you to do better, hold you accountable, and want to achieve the same things as you.

You’ll end up being a winner and living the best life.



Jaelyn W

Lifelong Learner NYC Loving The Life I Live While Building The Life I Want